Monday, February 27, 2012

Gosling's Lays Further Claim to the Dark and Stormy

Gosling's Black Seal Rum, which has made a lot of noise in recent years about the classic cocktail the Dark and Stormy being its own and nobody else's—it has two trademark certificates on file with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and defends them, often to the annoyance of mixologists who would like to reserve the right to choose the rum they put in a cocktail—has found a new way to cement its claim on the mix of rum, ginger beer and lime. It has put it all in a ready-to-drink can.

The 8.4 oz can is all Gosling's—Gosling's Black Seal Rum and Gosling's Stormy Ginger Beer—and is 9% alcohol. Already available in Bermuda, the product will soon arrive in the U.S. It will first be launched in Maine, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Maryland and California. 

The cocktail-in-a-can think is nothing new. Herradura introduced a line of canned tequila cocktails in 2009, including the Paloma and Margarita. There have been other examples over the years. But the Gosling's is the first I know of that involves a so-called "trademarked" cocktail.

No word on whether Pusser's Rum is working on a canned Painkiller cocktail. 

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