Friday, February 18, 2011

Drink to Bartenders' Health!

Worthy—and, at $40, quite affordable—benefit to aid ailing bartenders will be held on Feb. 21 at Freemans in Manhattan. Read about it below, from my Diner's Journal item:

A Benefit to Keep Bartenders Healthy
By Robert Simonson
Tipplers can drink to the future health of bartenders on Monday at Salud! Bartenders for Healthcare, a charity cocktail party co-sponsored by the United States Bartenders’ Guild. The event will be held on the second floor of Freemans, the Bowery-area bar that has produced some of the city’s best mixologists. Proceeds will help pay bartenders’ medical bills.
Recently, the bartending trade has grown increasingly concerned about the injuries hard-shaking mixologists sustain in the execution of their back-, shoulder- and wrist-straining work.
“Bartenders have extremely physical jobs,” said Lynnette Marrero, a bartender who is helping to arrange the evening. “We suffer from a lot of ailments caused by the repetitive motion of shaking and standing for 10-hour shifts. In addition, we work late at night and are vulnerable to accidents. If a bartender is injured they cannot work. The United States Bartenders’ Guild is really focused on making affordable health care available to all their members.”
Tickets to the event at Freemans, 191 Chrystie Street (Rivington Street), (212) 420-0012, are $40. That buys you unlimited drinks prepared by the likes of Ms. Marrero and Jim Kearns (Peels), Jason Littrell (Death & Co.) and Marshall Altier (1534), as well as snacks from the Freemans kitchen and cheese from Stinky Bklyn, and a performance from the folk-rock trio the Crooners. For more information or to buy tickets,

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