Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Imbibe Names 25 Most Influential Cocktails of the Past Century

Finally got my copy of the May/June issue of Imbibe in the mail. (Contributors seem to get the magazine later than subscribers, or just about everybody. Haven't figured that one out yet.) The cover story is "The 25 Most Influential Cocktails of the Past Century." Meaning Dale Carnegie would really like these drinks!

Keep in mind the idea is "influential." Not "popular," or "good," or "for the ages." Influential. It doesn't say if they're in any particular order. I'm guessing not. Interesting round-up. A few are incontestable (Margarita, Bloody Mary, Moscow Mule), a few surprising (Harvey Wallbanger, B-52), and I doubt the Last Word would have slipped in if Imbibe were published in New York and not Portland, Oregon. But a good argument is made for each drink. Nice to see the Gin-Gin Mule and the Red Hook, two cocktails I recent picked as among the most influential of the past decade, make the cut.

Here's the list:

1. Dry Martini
2. Cuba Libre
3. Mojito
4. Alexander
5. Singapore Sling
6. Aviation
7. Sidecar
8. Margarita
9. Bloody Mary
10. Negroni
11. Last Word
12. Zombie
13. Mai Tai
14. Bellini
15. Moscow Mule
16. Irish Coffee
17. Caipirinha
18. Kangaroo
19. Harvey Wallbanger
20. Pina Colada
21. Long Island Iced Tea
22. B-52
23. Cosmopolitan
24. Gin-Gin Mule
25. Red Hook

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