Wednesday, June 10, 2009

That Was Then

I've been doing some research lately in preparation for an article on the resurrection of the lost liqueur Creme Yvette. Robert Cooper, the man behind St. Germain, is responsible for the reclamation. While he's been true to the original recipe of the violet cordial, he's updating the label. Since the new label is now 100% approved yet, I won't show it here. But take a look at what the Creme Yvette label used to look like.

Kinda adorable, ain't it? I love the line "A world wide reputation of Excellence in the preparation of Pousse Cafe & Blue Moon Cocktail." And the wonderful illustrations on the side: a pussy cat for the Pousse Cafe and a half moon for the Blue Moon. It's all so quaint and charming.


  1. If the marketing and bottle is anything like St. Germain, Creme Yvette could very quickly regain its status as a must have liqueur and then some. Can't wait...

  2. When does it arrive in NYC?
