Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Sun Won't Set on Sun Story

There are yet more repercussions from the profile I wrote in the New York Sun two weeks ago of the Jennifer Malone-Seixas, the former sommelier at Fleur De Sel. As she previously informed me, and I reported here, she was dismissed by said French bistro just five days after my article appeared on the front page.

Since then,, the widely read foodie blog, has picked up the story (in a rather sensational manner, if I may say). And now Grub Street has added to the debate by mentioning Ms. Malone-Seixas' situation in its interview of Ania Zaweija, the female sommlier at L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon. Their first question: "Have you faced the same prejudices that Jennifer Malone Seixas, the recently departed Fleur de Sel sommelier, says she experienced? For instance, customers demanding a male sommelier?"

And so we have a good old-fashioned debate going, which is healthy, I guess. If only it had been sparked merely by the article and Ms. Malone-Seixas' comments in it, rather than be her loss of her job. Anyway, take a look.

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